In final composition: not enough/over and above, under the net-smoke.

The table is ready. Please visit the Dinner – Party.

My gift has been sent to the Gorbachev Foundation on 7 May,2009.
Comment 1. The Moscow blast of 10 May, 2009, was the first, friendly signal of exhausting
transcendental patience. The next one won’t be merciful. The time of persuasions has run out.
The signal has been sent 3 days after my gift to the Gorbachev Foundation, intentionally.

The page “ What the flowers are ? “ has been published on 31 July, 2009. The content of this
page defines the only stable base of all effective U.S. strategies for XXI century. Some set of
the strategies, if composed and applied in accordance with divine design, will convert Russia
and China into U.S. overseas territories, on Russian and Chinese fully spontaneous requests.