Message 1. Date: 6 February, 2014.

I’m inviting Russian powers to our constructive contest in the field of human progress, hereby. The winner will be the party that will made greater contribution to Human Civilization before the year 2019, since the birthday of modern Russia, in 1991. International organizations and public opinion will estimate our contributions and will return the verdict, in December 2018.
Both parties will comply with the plain and fair rules of the contest: scheming and sabotage are forbidden, the documentation of our declared contributions will be publicly accessible.

The pretenders to superpower will accept the challenge of simple individual player, I hope. My invitation to our duel for global good is my reaction to the resumption of Soviet delusions. Explanations.

Competition is this element of divine design which forces the evolution of life and protects live matter against cells self-degeneration. Competition works for our good in our physical reality, perfectly. However, humans create so called hyper realities, materializing someone dreams and delusions. The hyper realities cause social and environmental catastrophes, if human dreams and delusions ignore divine design. Competition accelerate self-degeneration of individuals, in a hyper reality. The Nazi and Soviet hyper realities showed the competition accelerated degeneration, didactically, lately. Consumerism, pursuit for individual and local profits, irresponsible financial operations, social engineering, mass propaganda and flood of advertisements created the modern hyper reality: the media and mental fiction being the dominant ambient of human life, today. The effect of competition-accelerated degeneration works on our eyes, ruining individuals and populations in global hyper reality. In addition, this effect causes the observed race of stupidity among decisive circles that multiplies the degradation rate and creates the growing risk of global disasters and wars. The USA were afflicted by the effect first, so U.S. citizens and decisive circles realized this risk and the must of rejecting the global hyper reality, recently. The rejection is the object of the Reorientation Project being executed by many insiders on transcendental order, openly, or in strict privacy.

My mission is to support the Reorientation’s executors by persuading and applied knowledge. Russian powers have ignored the U.S. experience, admitting Western agonal consumerism and recovering many components of the Soviet hyper reality. Finally, Russian powers and governmental workers live in the schizoid mix of the two hyper realities, in close separation from the real ambient of Russian nation’s today live. This is the unfriendly ambient created by the Russian federation of ganglands living in the 3d, gang hyper reality. Such a situation ended in revolutions and home wars, always, in history. The next Russian revolution would be beneficial, if coolheaded circles would prevail. It’s excluded now: the Russian gangs are not a coolheaded, responsible circle. In addition, Russian soldiers are venal from recruits to marshals, traditionally, and a part of Soviet nuclear arsenal has been stolen away, in 90-s.

So, the Russian revolution would end in nuclear gang wars causing global contaminations. Russians are aspiring, liking risk and duels of all sort people. Unfortunately, the natural love of competition materializes in the 2 schizoid official hyper realities, and in the 3d dominant gang hyper reality: thousands of Russians perish by gang wars, monthly. This is a symptom of the competition-caused race of stupidity. The unprincipled primitives hope for realizing their profits and safety by extermination, ignoring the fatal end of their predecessors and after-effects of extermination. Russian powers also hope for the riddance of their problems by extermination, returning to the infamous Soviet terror in the field of international affairs.

This is the symptom of Russian involving in the international competition – caused race of stupidity which was initiated by the unthoughtful Western neocolonial invasion, in 1990s. The mutual underhand strikes and diagnostic provocations caused the Georgian conflict, the Smolensk assassination, the Syrian war crimes, and many absurd, bloody conflicts. The race participants are looking for a greater range, like the Vietnamese range during the CW, now. The sabotage, extermination, and lifting puppets are used for cleaning Russian foreground.

Ukraine and Belarus become the victims of the international race of stupidity, on our eyes. The Soviets and their successors have taken me a Western agent since decades. Thus, the Russian ISs take me a party of the international race of stupidity, and brag after a Russian successful sabotage, assassination, or provocation –being wrong that this act is my defeat. Dear Russians, your competition in stupidity is your, not my defeat. I participated, and will participate in the race of stupidity never ! My transcendental sponsor prohibits stupidity !

However, I’m ready to compete with Russian powers, ISs, and all Russians in the field of the progress of Human Civilization, including defense measures. I invite Russians to our race of wisdom. It would be the duel for global good, so exciting and spectacular as the biblical duel of David and Goliath, if my challenge will be accepted. Please inform me.

Message 2. Date: 5 May, 2017.

My contribution to our global good and the human progress will concern the below fields.

Field 1. Addictions. The prevention of growing global plague of addictions by means of the improved, ancient animadversion therapy. See: Gift to the Gorbachev Foundation.

Field 2. Nuclear safety. The methods of preventing catastrophes in nuclear power plants and detecting hidden radioisotopes, in the contraband goods and dirty bombs , especially.

Field 3. Warming effect. Demystification and the efficient methods of stopping the avalanche of catastrophic, and unwanted climatic changes on the Earth.

Field 4. Renewable energy sources. Very high efficient photovoltaic cells for solar panels and farms.

Field 5. Nanoelectronics. Unknown active quantum nanodevices and TB – nonvolatile RAM memory cells, much denser ad reliable than the nano -tubes NRAM cells being developed today.

Field 6. Superconductivity. Room – temperature superconducting devices for industrial applications..

Field 7. Floristic technologies which will end the present fossil fuels era of Human Civilization. My results in the fields 1-4 will be presented before 2019. The results in the fields 5-7 will be presented before 2023, according to the maturity of G20 – governments, and some future events.

The readers, which are doubtful in the usability of my applied knowledge, should note the 2 facts:

Fact 1. The modern applied sciences became intramural, conservative, and addicted to sponsors. The scientific publications are tautologies and falsifications, in more than 99%.

The R&D activities must concern profitable and riskless enterprises, so researches avoid all risky problems, or continue giant wasteful governmental/international projects, indefinitely, like the projects concerning nuclear fusion, elementary particles, and useless space travels.

Those are social care and cosy little jobs for academians and researchers, under the guise of R&D projects. Pres. R.W. Reagan ordered: science must be useful ! – when he cognized the wastefulness of US science, in 1980s. But the global condition of applied sciences worsens:

500 enthusiasts of science made much more important scientific discoveries before the WWII, than 5,000,000 scientific workers later. Why ? Because the rat race and envy are the plagues of modern science. The most creative people prefer to make a fast career in business, instead of the many-years’ rat race among envious second-raters. The next plagues of applied science are spying and secrecy which very restrict information sharing, freedom, and creativeness.

The present scientific and R&D workers will not solve the crucial global problems, on time.

Fact 2. I have carried out R&D works in strict conspiracy, with transcendental help, since 1970s,

without the time – wasting, career – motivated activities concerning useless publications for citations, scientific conferences, meetings, summer/winter schools, and regular academic lectures. My R&D activity have concerned the essence of critical global problems. Like the very efficient scientists of the XIX c. – I did not waste time and abilities for third-order subjects, publicity, and rat race, simply.