The Russian internal affairs were driven at civil war since the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
It was nothing new, in history – civil wars were typical during the decay of ancient empires.
Western countries drained Russia in every way, former soviet oligarchy stole at full stretch,
and Russian economy crashed, in 1993/4. The Russian gubernyas headed for separation, the
hungry Red Army was ready to sell all armament. Tactical nuclear warheads were offered
for illegal sale as cheap as dirt, near public, in 1991-4. Finally, the prospective nuclear civil
wars and the risk of global radioactive contamination caused transcendental intervention.
I have been the transcendentally nominated architect of the operation which prevented the
fatal development of events in Russia. The operation went on, in deep secrecy, in 1993-2008.
Some figurative document has been deposited in the USA at the Retransfusion’ s start, only,
for accelerating the transcendental missions in XXI century. The Retransfusion’ s principle
was extremely simple: the balance of capital transfer among Russia and NATO countries
was switched from deficit to surplus, in 1995. I have named the operation as Retransfusion,
by its medical analogy. The Retransfusion was pure-spiritual operation. Impossible ? Note:
M.K. Gandhi’s spirit won in war greater, than British Empire’s military power and money.
It would be a suicidal naivety to feed up the gasping monster without protections. Russian mentality has been malformed by centuries. Whacked Russians returned to Christian life for
a short time. Their empire-dreams revived as soon as they recuperated. Moreover, primitive
profit-tropes do not feel gratitude, consider all benefactors as fall guys, and attack their own
on any occasion. The conditions above were taken into account, planning the Retransfusion.
The Retransfusion’ s built-in precautions have protected us against the next Russian empire
madness till now. Russia has wasted the transcendental help, regrettably. The money-surplus has been spent for oligarchy’s splurge, or invested in military industry and secret intelligence operations, mainly. Any significant civilization progress has not been made by Russia, the Russian empire-dreams have revived. The Retransfusion has been ended, in transcendental
retaliation, since July 2008. Please find the evidence visiting IEA Oil Market Report’s site.
It is transcendental will to alert Russians disclosing the Retransfusion’ s precautions hereby.
Russian roulette is the silly game of life using a six-shooter and one cartridge, invented by
dead-drunk Russian officers. It is not an extremely risky game – the probability of survival
exceeds 83% . The majority of drivers was forced to undertake much more risky decisions
many times. The inventors were not declared self-murders, they were decadent alcoholics.
Note: Russian roulette using a single-loader and one cartridge is not a game, is a suicide act.
Dear Russian decision makers: the suicide shoot will be your own free decision on collective
Russian liability. Your nationals will have been informed, why they are forced to folk dancing before tourists for life, in Russian reservations. Many Russian generations will execrate you
for wasting the transcendental help, and you will be unable to offer apologies. To grow wise,
or to end as the admonition of disregarding Our Creator’s intentions – that is your choice now.
Russia has been diagnosed as the next witless prentice, after USA, wasting 14 years of plenty.
Returning of Russian imperialism, personal terror, and gangsterish official practices will be
broken by the precaution based on the ascertainment: Russian roulette using a single – loader
and one cartridge is not a game, is a suicide act. Russia has mouthed the barrel and contacted
the trigger of some single-loader, the shoot at light’s velocity has been prepared, since 1993.
The alert above is my last aid given to Russia: the nursing of Russian VIPs has been ended, definitely, and the brutal conditioning of the next witless prentice has started, since July 2008.
Nothing to be afraid of the alert? U.S. VIPs go the sound trashing now, ignoring similar alerts.
Please take note: the conditioning Russian oligarchy is not my mission. I am too kindhearted
and eligible for easy the conditioning, only. My attitude against Russians has entirely been
emotions-free since 70s: to be emotionless is the first condition of becoming an upright man.
I discourage Russian ISs to affect me, or my family. Each veteran of transcendental missions maintains his invisible power for perpetuity, and is allowed to get over his oppressors, at will.
The ancients were wise to the existing of spiritual world, and dreaded ghosts, not accidentally.
Sea-baths and lithium-saturated air are the best treatment for hot heads and fool-hardy men.
I have been permitted to help all conditioned decisive circles by prompting the transcendental expectations as to future. The best Russian strategy for XXI century is one of the prompts.
The instructions of requesting the transcendental prompts are given in my business web-site.
Comment 1. The Moscow blast of 10 May, 2009, was the first, friendly signal of exhausting
transcendental patience. The next one won’t be merciful. The time of persuasions has run out.
The signal has been sent 3 days after my gift to the Gorbachev Foundation, intentionally.
Comment 2. Russia has been transcendentally diagnosed as the witless prentice, definitively.
The 16 years of plenty were wasted for imperial mania and civilization-destructive activity.
His Master Verdict in the matter of Russia’s future is the announced in 2009: Russia will
have been partitioned until Russian Nation will waste the giant territory occupied today.
This verdict concerns all scattergoods and is announced in Bible by the known words: Take
away, then, his talent (the wasted) and give it to him who has the ten talents (NT, Mt.25:28).
I’ve been illuminated about this verdict once more, in 2011, however I don’t know the date
of the execution. Summer in Winter and Winter in Summer will be the heralds of this one.