The Retransfusion Operation (Russian Roulette) ended in success owing to strict conspiracy, in the late 90-s. My quiet architecture has earned transcendental praise. The praise has been expressed machiavellianly: I’ve been allowed to use my access to Russian future at my will, including selling strategic information and throwing Russia to the U.S. wolves once for all.
It would be my metaphysical suicide, however: the praise was the next test of my capability to future transcendental operations on our Earth. Wait and see – it was my 1997/8-decision.
Russian powers have evinced childish irresponsibility (see Russian Roulette), the ten-year nursing of squanderers has ended, and brutal conditioning Russians has started, since 2007.
Thus, I decided to confirm the wasting of transcendental support and to fulfill my Russian transcendental missions by providing young Russian generation with some trusty lifebelt.
The lifebelt had the form of the best Russian strategy for XXI century. The confirmation of Russian powers’ wastefulness and irresponsibility was executed by exposing the access to the strategy for open auction-sale, soon after informing the Russian Embassy at Poland about it. The item was as chip as dirt for governmental organizations, and too expensive for all jokers and hookers, simultaneously.
The confirmation’ details
The Q1 2009-auction sale of the admission ticket to the best Russian strategy for XXI century has ended in street offers of coppers, very relevant questions (cited below), and the fury of some sorry Russian fellows. The auction was the last transcendental support that was given Russians before the coming hard times, and the maturity test of Russian powers. The support was refused, the auction won’t be repeated, and the solutions of the coming Russian troubles will be much difficult by this reason. However, taking into account the progressive genetic degeneration caused by the Russian plague of inebriety, the unsuccessful attempt to limit inebriety that was made by President M. Gorbachev in 80-s, and the great contribution of President M. Gorbachev in ending the Cold War without global radioactive fallout, I’ve decided to disclose one element of the refused best Russian strategy for XXI century, free.
This element is, how to materialize the 1980-s dream of President M. Gorbachev in some surprising, easy, cheap, safe, checked and efficient way. It is my free gift which will be sent to the Gorbachev Foundation, as my personal superlative for the Founder, in Q2 of 2009.
The gift is enigmatically described in the answer 6 to Q6 cited below. This is true solution of the first task of whichever efficient Russian strategy: how to limit the plague of inebriety ?
The disclosing of the solution will be my last public act in Russia- oriented transcendental operations. Some elements of my strategic knowledge will be accessible on official request only, since then. My advices for the Russia-oriented selected are public. Good luck, my heirs.
The AQs the auction-sale of the admission ticket to the best Russian strategy for XXI century
Q1. What’ s the deal ? Is it a little joke ?
A1. In no case. The item is the information about the trusty lifebelt for young Russian generations. The older generations have demonstrated disability for strategic self-instruction that will be necessary in the very hard times, soon.
Q2. Several centers for strategic studies function in Russia. Are Russian experts wrong ?
A2. Yes, all official experts are wrong too often. Note: many wise housewife’s stock
prognoses beat the prognoses published by famous financial experts, not accidentally. Farsightedness is the example of congenital personal talent. The collective farsightedness of famous experts may be much lower than the unusual, congenital, personal one.
The choirs of average vocalists sound scratchily beside a born singer-soloist, for instance.
Q3. Why you offer Russian strategy for sale ? Why not American, European, or Chinese ?
A3. By the three reasons. First, Russian society and economy have been extremely unstable owing to communistic mental deformations and impulse to self-destroy. Many transient factors may induce the next bloody revolution. The whole Earth will be contaminated then. Second, Russians don’t fall into the traps of consumerism and pursuit of money, in majority.
It is a great simplification of economical transformations, and unrepeated opportunity for wise powers. The G7- countries have entirely fallen into the traps. Their self-extrication will be very laborious and time consuming. However, there’s no need to be afraid of military wars among the G7- countries and their self-transformations. China troubles aren’t a global risk.
Thirdly, the open offer for sale eliminates intelligence games and discloses hidden intentions. Moreover, Russian decisive circles have traditionally suffered from self-induced spy-mania. Any official and secret strategic support will be recognized as the Trojan horse, and refused.
Q4. Aren’t you afraid of your own life ? Strategies are the main secrets of all organizations !
A4. No. The best Russian strategy may be published like Decalogue – the best personal strategy of our life – without any dread. The confidence of all details is warranted, of course.
Q5. Is the strategy offensive ?
A5. No. The best Russian strategy is inoffensive, foreignly.
Q6. Do you offer some practical solutions of known Russian problems ?
A6. Yes. Including the Russian plague of inebriety. President M. Gorbachev was aware of this problem’ key weight for Perestroyka-transformation, very well. Being communistic tsar, he overvalued his real power and attempted to reduce this plague administratively, in 80-s. It was a fight windmills – the essence of the Russian plague of inebriety was ignored, fully.
Q7. Are you pixilated ? Do you intend to hospitalize millions of sots ?
A7. No, no. Many of my clients were psychiatrists and psychologists. They never suspected me about mental deviations. I have discovered, how to materialize the dream of President M. Gorbachev in some surprising, easy, cheap, safe, checked and efficient way. Really !
Q8. What hidden intention discloses this open offer for sale ?
A8. The connivance of the Russian plague of inebriety by Russian powers. Ignoring the chance of reducing the plague (see A6 and A7), the Russian powers will unmask.
Comment 1. The Moscow blast of 10 May, 2009, was the first, friendly signal of exhausting transcendental patience. The next one won’t be merciful. The time of persuasions has run out.
The signal has been sent 3 days after my gift to the Gorbachev Foundation, intentionally.