Future energy sources: the directions for the governmental planners and corporative HQs.

The present era of fossil fuels will progressively come to the end due to the accumulative environmental, climatic and health dangers. All global decisive circles are conscious of the unquestionable, very harmful impact of fossil fuels on the environment, climate, and health.

However, the same circles are very disoriented as to the prospective energy sources which will reduce the use of fossil fuels to the acceptable limits. The disorientation is the result of the very controversial data about the influence of the greenhouse gases on global warming effect, the complex dependence of the mean global temperature on the thousands significant physical factors, the tendentious interpretation of the collected data, and the very elementary methodological faults of the existing models of the impact of Humanity on climate changes.

The faults will be described in my article concerning the influence of Humanity on climate, in 2018. The publication will disclose the intentional withholding the most significant factors of the global warming, and will contain some methodologically correct, preliminary models of Human impact on global climate. The models features the excellent agreement with the empirical data, confirm the correctness of the relentlessly criticized President D. Trump’s decision about the US withdrawing from the futile Paris Agreement, and forecast very fast intensification of climatic problems, if the present, suicidal global trends will be continued.

The model predicts the below-portions of energy sources on the environmentally safe Earth.

1. Geothermal power plants in volcanic regions and medium power heat sources, everywhere.

2. Solar power plants and hydrogen factories in the desert and selected sunshiny regions.

3. Nuclear fusion power plants and hydrogen factories replacing the nuclear fission reactors.

4. Hydrogen turbo generators (of internal combustion type, dominantly).

6. Solar home and garden installations of all sort.

7. Residual energy sources and propulsions utilizing the combustion of fossil fuels.

The governmental planners and corporative HQs are asked to take the prompts as the trustful message from the nearest future, and to adapt their strategic planning to the portions above.

The R&D works should be concentrated in the fields of geothermal and solar energy sources, as soon as possible. Much more efficient and cheap solar cells will be developed in 2018-20.

The gigawatt geothermal hydrogen factories may be developed during the several near years.

Nuclear fusion terawatt reactors will be accessible in 2020-s, however their impact on global warming will be much below the present, overestimated, and naive – optimistic expectations.

Nuclear fusion reactors will progressively replace the working, obsolete and dangerous fission reactors. Of course, the nuclear fusion power reactors, both ground and field, will have plenty of military applications and the global armament race will escalate, as it happened in the past, when new technologies came in operation. The US Star Wars Program will be restarted. ©

Published on 19 June, 2017.