Message 1. Date: 31 May, 2011.
Russian powers and ISs have based their main activities on wishes, inferiority complex, self disinformation and old Soviet mental aberrations. It concerns all open Russian foreign affairs and the hidden destructive activities in the lost part of the former Soviet Empire, in spite of the warnings in my website, and my several official notifications. The disregarding timeless divine design and warnings has ended in His Master Verdict in the matter of Russia’s future.
Please visit the page Russian Roulette for details. Moreover, modern Russian ISs stick to the old Soviet self delusions as to my person, undertaking the childish efforts of intimidation, corruption and simulating my dependence from former Soviet ISs. These efforts will result in many personal tragedies, if the Reorientation Operation’s initiators will lose patience.
There is no reversal of His Master Verdicts. It is possible to relax and respite their execution. The history of many nations, and Humanity’s surviving, confirms this limited possibility. The today situation of Russia is similar to the situation of Poland in XVI/VII century, when the partition of Poland was transcendentally decided. My brother in Spirit, priest Piotr Skarga was illuminated about it 200 years before execution, in 1772. Polish Nation respited, relaxed and survived the partitions of Poland – thanks his prophetic prompts. I was illuminated about the decided partition of Russia in 2009, first time. I’ve disclosed this transcendental intention in the page Russian Roulette, since May, 2009. This illumination was confirmed in 2011, as the transcendental admonition addressed to me: it is high time to publish His Master Verdict in the matter of Russia’s future, and to support Russian Nation with instruction of surviving.
This page contains my prompts which should help all fair, wise Russians to realize the three conditions of surviving the execution of His Master Verdict in the matter of Russia’s future:
C1. To respite and relax the execution of His Master Verdict in the matter of Russia’s future.
C2. To come back to the unpleasant reality, refusing the pleasant today’s self-delusions.
C3. To accept the rejecting of creationism as the 1t cause of all Russian permanent defeats.
The four timeless general prompts (GPs) will be the best today Russian illusions vaccine.
GP1. The only way to real power on the Earth is positive participation in divine design.
GP2. The acceptance of the all unpleasant truth is the best psychotherapy.
GP3. The owners of actual power are silent and invisible, in majority.
GP4. The signs of transcendental support are: access to physical future and hard tasks.
The explanations to the prompts and more detailed prompts will be given in next messages.
Message 2 and my invitation to open duel for global good. Date: 2 February, 2014.
A part of the KGB’s and GRU’s Polish remnants, and their young copycats, try to terrorize, bribe, and persecute me, manically, still. This obsession results from senility, mental troubles, crass stupidity, obsolete believes, giant Soviet self-disinformation, and my disinformation. Some of them perform theatrical gesture (throat cat, shadowboxing, kicks, firing, and similar) for years and years, and go mad, when I mock at them. The others pander own daughters and propose cash. The others send gorillas and hire criminals, hoping to provoke my attack, to attain the arrest order, and to kill me at prison, simulating my suicide (over-rife in Poland).
These weren’t solo-provocations. The witness with cameras assisted the provocateurs, always. The others send callow emissaries offering me a pin-money and association with Russian ISs. The others accuse me of bringing the Soviet Union to ruin by espionage for NATO countries, or try to sell me secret communistic documents, or complain of their own social degradation. They are deathly afraid, if media announce official investigations in old communistic matters.
A Polish and NATO’s trouble, like the Smolensk-assassination, makes them happy, of course. They were/are the workers of the Soviet/Russian mass terror. They didn’t live fairly, never:
dirty jobs for coppers were/are their life. What’s worse, the restitution of Soviet Empire and mass terror is their dream and aim in life. Such people cover Russians and Polish with shame.
I’ve asked the HQ of Russian ISs in Poland to direct they to a psychiatrist, on my cost, vainly. Here are the hard facts which should help the unhappy mutton-heads to look at themselves. Fact 1. My attitude towards Russia and Russians is entirely unbiased, emotions-free, and very
friendly towards all fair Russians. Here are the 3 unanswerable proofs confirming my attitude. st. I executed the transcendental Retransfusion Operation for our global good, anticipating nuclear civil wars after the thoughtless Western neocolonial invasion on Russia, in 1993/4. I was able to rescue, or to annihilate Russia then. Incredible ? Please read details in due time.
Result: Russian powers wasted time and money. I’ve passed next test of responsibility, only.
2d. The Gorbachev Foundation received my writing that disclosed efficient protection against the genetic degradation of Russian population by the plague of inebriety. Pres. M. Gorbachev tried to stop the progressive degradation officially, unsuccessfully, in 1980-s. Is my friendly gift implemented? No, the vodka lobby exterminate Russian population faster than the Nazis!
3d. I have supported the ROSATOM with invention protecting Russia against the next nuclear
disaster, in 2012 (see P.399551). Will be my third giant gift utilized on time? I doubt: Russian powers cultivate escapism, wasting time and money for ridiculous propaganda and pharaonic pomp, as the wasteful, witless Sochi-show. The unpleasant reality will end the self-delusions, when a the next nuclear disaster will bring Russia to ruin: the Fukushima disaster cost above $1000 billions. The Chelyabinsk Meteor revealed Russian defenseless against orbital attacks. One meteorite will ruin Russia, if somebody will wish to change its natural trajectory and hit an unprotected nuclear power plant. Hundreds of countries, corporations and madmen are able to execute this orbital attack, today. Note: the KGB ignored my Chernobyl-warning of 1985.
Fact 2. The present Russia lost influence on main global affairs. What’s worse, Russia became
involved in dirty works for Western profits, freely, like gen. A. A. Vlasov. This service will end very similarly. The visible Soviet resentment and playing a superpower are a coward escapism. Many events, of 13 April, of 9 May, 2012, of Jan 2014, e.g. , showed growing impotence and global isolation of Russia. Terror, sabotages and assassinations discredited Russia for decades, caused the mass escape of wise Russians abroad, and convert Russia into a concentration camp like North Korea, or into Russian reservations with natives presenting folk-dances for tourists. Chinese power grows fast. The next Smuta will come unexpectedly.
Fact 3. The positions of the present Russia and the golf ball placed on a pipe are the same,except the speeds of motion. This unstable position was created, intentionally. Russia will come down from the pipes, at the speed of light, of the transcendental will. The speed of the Russian fall was set, as the protection of the transcendental Retransfusion Operation, in1993. Russian powers initiated the unavoidable fall, relapsing into terror, in spite of my warning. This is last time to prepare Russians for the acute fall, relinquishing all sweet self-delusions.
Fact 4. In 1970s – 80s, the U.S. and NATO ISs were seriously afraid about my conductibility in the field of Eastern military microelectronics. The disclosure of my applied knowledge, in several % only , initiated Western intelligence elimination-operations against me, in 1973. In 1980-s, the US ISs first offered me fellowship in Yale University (in the hope that the GRU will kill me), and next forestalled my sudden death , if I’ll continue my R&D works, in 1983.
The IJS (International Jackals Society) has entangled Eastern ISs in the Cold War Business, and Eastern ISs have executed sabotage in the field of Eastern R&D since 1960s, continually. All my official R&D works were sabotaged by Eastern ISs for Western gratuity. The works would end the Western monopole in the field of CAD tools and crucial integrated circuits: RAM memories and hi-speed operational amplifiers, in 1984. What the Soviet Powers made, having the unique opportunity to gain the counterpart of the US Silicon Valley ? They ordered KGB to close the polish R&D works, and arrest me – as an supposed U.S. spy, in 1983-85!!!
I was not an exception to the rule: there was not a place for creative individuals among slaves and their wardens, in slavish Soviet Empire. Polish genius, eng. Jacek Karpiński, developed and introduced personal work stations into small scale production in 1970s, 16 years before the USA. The production was broken, soon, and the designer was forced to emigrate. Finally,
Russia has tried to constitute the counterpart of the US Silicon Valley since 2005, impotently.
The affair of TU144 prototype hypersonic jet was the Soviet Guinness Record in the field of governmental stupidity. The TU144 – team was directed to obligatory labor service, instead of to supervise the last preparations before the 1973 -Paris Air Show. The $ billions worthy pride of Soviet aviation crashed during the show, instead of to gain the propagandist Soviet victory.
Those are examples, how corrupted Soviet apparatchiks, officers, agents, experts, and foolish society sold the Soviet Empire for Western coppers and ruined their own homeland, willfully. Were I taken aback that Soviet KGB served the US interests, demolishing the Soviet Empire? No, I expected it-and I utilized the corrupted KGB in my transcendental mission, successfully. But the mutton-heads, which sold the SU, have considered themselves the victims of a plot !!!
Fact 5. Thousands of ISs have initiated idiotic operations by disinformation, in above 95%, in my case. The Eastern secret services were mass producers of lies, fabrications, and false files made by millions of drunkards and mutton-heads for vodka, or miserable benefits. The STASI collected and sold this monstrous information garbage for Western ISs. Next, the garbage was spread worldwide, silted the ISs’ knowledge bases and induced many ISs to crass operations.
Example 1.The KGB and STASI recorded that I was the steady client of thousands of whores, in order to discredit me as influent expert, in 1970-80s. In reality, I was whores’ client never. But many ISs have sent girls, in a naive hope to gain my secrets for sex, endlessly, by then !!!
Example 2. I dissimulated drunkenness, sometimes, in order to misinform and manipulate ISs. My dissimulation was efficient, the Soviets danced as I wanted, but they taken me drunkard’s partner and created false record in the STASI-files. The US ISs bought the files and have tried to gain my secrets, offering libations, since 1990s, instead of to check my medical records: I’ve been unable to libations by hepatitis, totally, since the 1964-hospital-acquired infection !
Example 3. Many communistic officers forged my signs and defrauded official money, in 80s. The STASI recorded that I’m bribable. This false record cause idiotic street offers even now ! My Eastern and Western files contains heaps of similar fakes which cause intelligence absurd.
My website was established, in 2006, for the prevention of disinformation and idiotic activity. My website is the only source of reliable, testable information about me and my procedure. Please visit the pages What The Flowers Are ?, Business Contacts, and Patent Rules, simply.
Fact 6. I’ve informed the Polish HQ of Russian ISs(Embassy of Russian Federation at Poland) about the character disorders, obsessions and crimes which seduce the circles of Soviet terror to persecute me, maniacally, inviting Russians to usual business contacts, simultaneously. My official massages reduced the crass activity of mutton-heads, but my invitation to business contacts wasn’t undertaken. Finally, Russian ISs continue the childish attempts of gaining my secrets illegally, like the unwise Yankees which lost 22 years and a lot of money for flowers, instead of to undertake the usual business contacts, according to the directions in my website.
Am I a Russophile, caring for Russian nation better then Russian powers ? In no case: I aided Russians by the way, executing my tasks for global good. My transcendental service requires fairness and abandonment of negative emotions (see the enigmatic rule in the NT,MT,5.44).
This rule isn’t a promotion of masochism: all insiders know the rule’s hidden pragmatic sense. Russia survived the dangerous 90s thanks my invisible aid on transcendental order. The aid was the trial of freedom, simultaneously. Russia didn’t pass the trial and will be partitioned:
Russian decisive circles have known this consequence of their irresponsibility since 2009. My aid for Russia has been limited to reducing the negative impact of Russia on global affairs, on transcendental order, then. The P.399551 is the example of transcendental aid by my hands.
Considering the visible Russians’ love of intelligence duels and my tasks in the Reorientation Project, I’ve stated an excellent opportunity of connecting the Russian love of duels and my last transcendental missions on the Earth – offering Russian powers our duel for global good.
The winner will be the party that will made greater contribution to Human Civilization before the year 2019, since the birthday of Russia . My challenge has been published in my website. The rules of the duel are plain and fair. International public opinion will return the verdict.
The pretenders to superpower will accept the challenge of simple individual player, I hope.
Message 3. Rescue directions. Date: 10 April, 2014.
The 1993-Retransfusion Operation has eliminated the risk of Russian nuclear home wars and supplied Russian powers with the capabilities of civilized evolution after the Soviet ravages and Western neocolonial invasion. My website has warned the Russian ISs about the verdict: Russia will be partitioned, if the transcendental help will misspend, since 2007. Regrettably, the cocksure Russian powers have implemented the worst Russian strategy: the reanimation of the Soviet terror and imperialism. The execution of the transcendental verdict has begun on that account, irrevocably. However, the process of execution will depend on the wisdom
of Russians: the personal responsibility will define the degree of penalty, fairly. The national sadness (the next Russian Smuta) of the unpreventable partitioning will highly depend on the relations among the traditionally Christian population and the depraved, cocksure neo-Soviet ruling class. The population’s resistance against the admirers of the Rufous Dog will define the upcoming Smuta’s period. Anticipating the neo-Soviets’ temporary present domination, I prepared The Best Russian Strategy in XXI century, as my altruistic help for wise Russians, in 2011. The strategy’s description is available any time, free of charge. An official request in writing is required: it isn’t my intention to supply some parasites with the worse strategies.
The admirers of the Rufous Dog should recall the consequences of my 1985- vain warning.
Message 4. My last warning and the last sound advice. Date: 24 April, 2014.
The younger generation of Russian ISs commit the old mistake of their Soviet instructors, taking my good nature and puritan way of life as the sign of my weakness and imbecility, and continuing the inane efforts described by the Message 2 of 2 February, 2014 (see above).
This is the basic mistake of all gangsters which suicide, attacking transcendentally protected people. I’m protected by the transcendental system named Mirror of Providence, perfectly, as yet. Principles of physics will be disturbed in this aim, if necessary(see: Organized Crime).
The system works independently of my will, and reflect all malicious intents to my enemies. All my oppressors came to a bed end, or live in mortal fear of the future, without exception. Thus, I warn the younger generation of Russian ISs against the fatal end of my oppressors by Christian mercy, for the last time: the Mirror of Providence will annihilate you, pitilessly. My alternates will continue my functions and missions on the Earth after my physical death.
Some of they aren’t good-natured and will eliminate all hindrances without a kind warning. My last sound advice is: you should study the timeless divine design, instead of to repeat the Soviet and Western deviations. My website (Russian Roulette, Attention … ISs) will help you to realize the Creator’s expectations as to Humanity and survive the coming Smuta: your powers played Russian roulette using a single-loader and one cartridge, voluntarily.
Message 5. Notification. Date: 19 October, 2014.
Several functionaries of Soviet terror in Poland passed off for the emissaries of Russian ISs, and tried to gain the know-how concerning the Polish patent 215203, illegally. First, many cash-offers were made on the streets. Next the threats of discrediting and killing me were applied. The same functionaries falsified my signs and embezzled much money in 1980s. Polish Government Archive an Institute for National Remembrance collected many falsified receipts for money having my sign. In order to exclude the same crimes now – I decided to send the personal data of the functionaries to the Embassy of Russian Federation to Poland.
I’m sure the attempts are the private initiative of several softheaded, retired communistic gangsters which have an axe to grind, seeing the continual intelligence movement at me. They falsified official reports for profits by decades and tried to continue their way of life .
I’ve invited the Russian R&D circles to our serious business contacts since 1990s, vainly. Note: The object of the patent 215203 isn’t secret, so will be sold by the public tender, according to my web pages Business Data & Contacts, and Patent Rules. I’m allowed to invite Russian defense industry to the tender for my commercial know-how on request.
Whichever intelligence effort in the matter of my know-how will be taken a provocation.
Message 6. The shutdown of my public aid for the Russian ISs. Date: 13 April, 2015. This is my farewell public message for the Russian ISs, and my prompts for wise Russians.
1. The witless Neo-Soviet powers expose Russian Nation to the risk of self-annihilation, as I’ve forewarned since 2007, vainly. The transcendental help was wasted, the next Smuta is inevitable (see: Russian Roulette). However, the self-annihilation isn’t inevitable, if the present suicidal descent delusions will be replaced by the reasonable, long-term strategy which will reconcile Russian and global interests. I elaborated such a strategy during my activity for common good in 1990s, in the form of the confident expertise titled The Best Russian Strategy for XXI Century, in order to reduce the influence of prospective Russian ills on global interests. The enigmatic expertise contains all directions for the circles which will try to save Russian Nation in the future, and is available on official Russian request.
2. The history of Humanity and nations has never been reversible. All what we can do is to study the past, in order to understand the intentions of Our Creator (the Divine Design). Who proceed against those, this one acts dottily like Alexander the Great flogging the sea. My Polish web page Eliminations and Revenges (Eliminacje i Zemsty) will explain readers, why the Soviet Union disintegrated, for what I held up the Deterrence Equilibrium, and how I converted the cruel Soviet secret services into my subject instruments, in this aim. The page will instruct wise Russians, how to prevent the Russian self-annihilation, on time.
3. I’ve fulfilled all my 40-years obligations in the field of the Deterrence Equilibrium and I’ve been allowed to disclose some part of my unknown applied knowledge for supplying the foreshadowed Reorientation Project with financial resources. The disclosing will comply with the law of intellectual property (inventions and scientific articles) and with the NATO- regulations (military know-how). Of course, all ISs, the Russian first, will be interested in the future gold fields. I’ve decided to prevent the next idiotic intelligence bustle around my intellectual property (see: What The Flowers Are ?) by publications in my website.
The pages P-387598 & P-215203, and Goldmine And Lifebelt are the examples of the preventing publications. All responsible, serious parties are allowed to buy the keys to the future gold fields lawfully. The first key is the transfer of entry fee to my account. Who will ignore my rules, this one will waste time and money, like the cocksure Yankees.
4. The Chelyabinsk Meteor was the final rehearsal before the future precise orbital attacks. Please don’t ignore the Message 2 above. All risky surface nuclear installations should be protected against the precise orbital attack before 2018. This is high time to set to work ! I will notify the proper Russian institutions and organizations officially in all important subjects, if necessary. My next messages will concern second-order subjects, in this page.
Message 7. Notice and suggestions. Date: 10 April, 2017.
My applied knowledge attracts the GRU-veterans like honey, still. After many idiotic offers of cash on the streets, one of them offered me a ducal castle, in 2015. In my mind, they are specimens of presenile dementia. However, the retired dotards are accustomed to luxury live, so they are able to falsify my signs for reporting their fictitious intelligence success, in their official reports, as it happened many times in the past. In such a case, I suggest testing mental capability of author, like an aviator, before time consuming verification of a suspicious report. All my earnings must have the form of bank transfers with the titles concerning my contracts.
My web page Eliminacje i Zemsty describes, how the Soviet Empire lost the counterpart of the US Silicon Valley in Poland owing to the corruption and mental deficiency of the KGB’s and GRU’s officers, in 1980-85. The former muttonheads have become the retired dotards.
They should rest in the Russian luxury nursing homes for veterans, instead of to beat the air.
Message 8. Congratulations. Date: 3 May, 2017.
I’m pleased to congratulate the Russian powers on realizing the tasks of Reorientation Project on time. The praise is deserved all the more so that the conceited Yankees, the impotent EU, and the others G20-countries are very delayed. The realized Russian tasks will be described in my web page The Reorientation, successively, on the proper time. Please be patient.