Message 1. Alarm bell and rescue directions. Date: 21-31 December, 2015.
The traditional German megalomania, hubris, power mania, and greed caused the last World Wars, and the Bolshevistic Revolution in Russia. The very negative German impact on global affairs and Human civilization was excluded due to the division of Germany after the WWII for 45 years. The magnanimous presidents R.W. Reagan and M. Gorbachev permitted the German reunification, in the hope of positive impact of unified Germany on global affairs.
Regrettably, the magnanimous presidents proved very naive and nearsighted: the German ruling class has returned to the traditional German bad inclinations and imperial intentions.
The next division of Germany and occupation zones will be the checked precautions against the harmful German activities, if the German ruling class will continue the present strategy.
Why ? Because the irresponsible strategy destroys EU, supports the neo-Soviet intention of restoring the Soviet Union, and creates the growing risk of neo-Soviet invasion on the EU.
Why Germany becomes the Trojan Horse of the neo-Soviets among the NATO countries ?
Because the neo-Soviets know the traditional German mental deficiencies well, so their bait in the form of economical profits and promised territorial expansion proved very efficient. In addition, any real decommunization of the former Soviet Empire has not been executed.
The neo-Soviets maintained the army of old Soviet butlers – the functionaries and agents of communistic terror and their progeny. The army executes efficient Russian diversion in the NATO-countries today. The 3d cause of the harmful German activities is the series of US strategic faults, in 1991-2012. The globally harmful, suicidal German strategy assumes:
To be continued soon. The unpleasant truth above will enrage the German ISs, of course, like my web page To strike, or no ? enraged the Israeli ISs, in 2012. But the development of events confirmed my warning. Why I was right and the Israeli analysts were wrong ?
Because I know the divine design, I have limited access to Human future, and I act for our global good according to the transcendental divine will, only, not for my personal profits. All spiritually immature, primitive people won’t never have the access to Human future .